My lifelong commitment to social justice and equity is reflected in all my work.
Differences between people and how these interrelate with behaviour and socioeconomic, sociopolitical and organisational structures deeply interest me. As do innovative strengths-based and participatory approaches.
My freelance work as a trainer, facilitator, consultant and presenter is built on a strong foundation of experience in the spheres of government, academia and civil society.
My work is personal, political and professional.
Career Path
My freelance work complements my full- and part-time employment and voluntary roles. Throughout my career I have sought out positions that have enabled me to pursue issues of social justice and contribute to empowerment and inclusion in some way. This has enabled me to build up an extensive knowledge base and a wide range of practical experiences.
My work in the community sector has included managing a shelter for LGBT* refugees in Germany, coordinating the HR services for overseas humanitarian placements in Médecins Sans Frontières Germany, leading two national peak bodies in Australia (Australian Youth Affairs Coalition and the National LGBTI Health Alliance), managing an NGO providing comprehensive training services to the community and human services sector workforce in NSW, Australia and providing crisis intervention/counselling for women who have experienced sexualised violence in Germany as well as in Aotearoa/New Zealand.
My work in the tertiary education sector has most recently included leading diversity and anti-discrimination work at the Freie Universität Berlin and being the Gender Equity Officer at the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences, both in Germany. In the past I was also lecturer in Intercultural Education at the Freie Universität Berlin.
My work in the government sector has included a role as senior policy analyst in the Social Inclusion and Participation team of the Ministry of Social Development in Aotearoa/New Zealand. I took up a role in the Berlin State Government in 2023, advising on and supporting the implementation of diversity work in relation to the justice system.
Formal Qualifications
- FUTURA Certification in Gender Equality, Free University of Berlin, Germany
- Certified Coach (systemic coaching), radius Institut für Kommunikation und Konfliktmanagement, Lübeck, Germany
- Certified Diversity Trainer, A World of Difference Program Berlin/New York (Eine Welt der Vielfalt e.V.)
- Certified Facilitator, ‘Introduction of Anti-Discrimination measures within Public Authorities’, CEJI/NICEM, Belfast, Northern Ireland
- Certified in Participative Evaluation, Stummschrei Berlin & CAP, Munich, Germany
- Advanced Diploma of Community Sector Management, MHCC, Sydney, Australia
- National Certificate in Public Sector Services, Learning State, Aotearoa/New Zealand
- Master of Arts, Free University of Berlin, Germany.
Double major: Education & Sociology
Minor subject: Media and Communication Studies
Thesis: Empirical research on inclusive practice in rape crisis centres - Bachelor of Arts. University of Otago, Dunedin, Aotearoa/New Zealand
A note on my name
Although I go by ‘Gabi’ 90% of the time, my official name is ‘Gabriele’ so both names appear in the public sphere. I generally publish under ‘Gabriele Rosenstreich’.